Wolf Garten Multi-Star® B-KM Dustpan and Small Handle
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Wolf Garten Multi-Star® B-KM Dustpan and Small Handle



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Wolf Garten Multi-Star® B-KM Dustpan and Small Handle

The Multi-Star® Dustpan and Small Handle with broad plain is best suited for brush collecting in the home and garden. 

The Dustpan comes with it's own small handle, with the advantage of easily 'clicking' on to one of the other various multi-star® handles for longer reach.


• Adjusts to 150 degrees due to integrated hinge mechanism.

• 25 cm wide collecting surface.

• The ideal partner for this dustpan is the B25M Flexi Broom.

• Connects with various types and lengths of multi-star® interchangeable handles which fit a huge range of other multi-star® tools.

For more information or advice please contact us

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